The Quiet Day


“The Quiet Day” follows Suzanne O’Connell, a female firefighter in a small town, where her days are either calm or chaotic. When a dangerous situation unfolds with two men, Harold Waters, her old flame and local law enforcement officer, and Toby Chandler, a fellow firefighter known for his reliability, Suzanne finds herself in a life-threatening predicament. As trust becomes a critical factor, she must navigate a deadly game where making the wrong choice could put her life at risk.

As a female firefighter in a small town, Suzanne O’Connell finds herself trapped in a dangerous situation with two men. And when the stakes turn deadly, trusting the wrong man could put her life in jeopardy.


As a female firefighter in a small town, Suzanne O’Connell knows that every day will go one of two ways: Either nothing happens, or she suddenly finds herself in over her head. Firefighters never, ever say the words “It’s a quiet day!”—because that’s when all hell breaks loose, and their peaceful, easy day suddenly turns into their worst nightmare. This is exactly what happens to Suzanne when she finds herself trapped with Harold Waters, local law enforcement officer and her old flame, and fellow fireman Toby Chandler, who, according to everyone, is the kind of guy you want watching your back.

In an unusual turn of events, the stakes turn deadly, and Suzanne discovers that trusting the wrong man could leave her life hanging in the balance.


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